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#LosAngeles Shy and nerdy Asian guy loses his virginity to a sexy, sweet amazing woman!

Good news guys. This site is 100% real and actually works, and the girls are REAL actually write you back. ( some are escorts )

If you’ve tried dating apps like Tinder and you’re not having any luck, OR if you’re like me, socially awkward so it’s hard to approach women in person, then I highly recommend you join this site. I had a amazing woman invite me over to her place to take my virginity.

3 Days after joining the site I came across her profile about wanting to take an older virgin’s virginity. To help him be less insecure about it and to be more confident around girls. I assume she got 100s of messages from guys. But I thought what the hell, might as well send a message. So imagine my suprise when a couple of hours later I get a message from her about wanting to meet the next day and her phone number. I agree because I wanted to secure this as soon as possible lest it goes to another guy.

when I arrived at her place we sat in the living room and had drinks and we talked about our interests, hobbies, what tv shows we watched (we talked about how bad the Game of Thrones finale was lol), and then she wanted to take things to her bedroom

So we get in her room and we take our clothes off, she has a great body and it was a bit of a thrill watching her undress. And really she’s far more attractive than anybody I would have expected to have sex with. We start kissing and making out, I really wanted to play with her tits (I’m a tit guy), so I’m sucking on them and squeezing them, she starts to suck my dick (I thought she was great at it), I licked her pussy for a bit, we try missionary. She pushes me on my back to ride me (I got the feeling she wanted me to enjoy things).

She rides me for a while and I’m like I am not cumming and I was dreading not being able to cum during this wonderful experience. Performance anxiety is real guys. Like I have no problems cumming to porn and I actually didn’t jack off since getting her message. I think she sensed this and asked me what I wanted and I told her to start sucking me again because she was so good at it. And after awhile I cum which was a huge relief.

Afterwards we talk for a bit. She told me she got hundreds of messages so I really do feel like I won a little lottery. No Names Were Given. But she did say some guys who already had sex messaged her for sex as well as young, college-age virgins while she was looking for older virgins.

She had somewhere else she needed to be so we got dressed and I kissed her goodbye when I left her apartment.